How must it have been, in September 1620, when the Pilgrims took their last look at England whilst descending a few damp, slippery steps in Sutton Pool, Plymouth? 400 years later, courtesy of Virtual and Augmented Reality technology, we can experience that very departure for the first time.
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The Virtual Mayflower project has been one of the most challenging our team has ever undertaken.
The story spans six years of ambition, elation and a respectable degree of success. The final outcome is testament to the enthusiasm and dedication of a small but highly capable volunteer team of VR and AR specialists.

The Virtual Mayflower project has evaluated and exploited a wide range of hardware software technologies, from tethered and stand-alone VR headsets to wearable motion capture (MOCAP) systems, and from PC and head-worn AR displays to novel digital toolkits for simulating environmental effects and animating virtual humans and their clothing.